Tuesday, October 4, 2011

All this for 40 minutes of bliss

I'm lucky enough that BBB still has a day sleep, and a pretty decent sleep at that - usually 2-3+ hours every day. This means I am also lucky enough to quite often have both kids asleep for a little while through the afternoon. GG is more of a catnapper, so it may only be 40 minutes - but it's wonderfully relaxing to have that quiet time to myself. Some days, however, the effort involved to get both kids asleep makes me wonder why I bother...

Today for example: I got BBB down first after 3 or 4 books, while GG in that time had fallen asleep in her rocker. I come out of BBB's room and turn the monitor on - he's there chatting away to himself. GG had woken up so I took some photos of her in her cute beanie (another post). Suddenly BBB is crying, so I run into his room. No idea what's wrong but he's really upset. I bring him out to the lounge room and calm him down. We read more books and he goes back to bed. Finally I can feed GG and try getting her to sleep. She starts looking sleepy, then BBB bangs on his door so I have to get up to get him back to bed. I try feeding GG again, but she isn't looking sleepy anymore, so I move into our bedroom where it's dark with the curtains drawn to try getting her to sleep in there. She's almost out so I lie her down, but it was too early and she wakes up. I lie down next to her to try getting her to sleep that way. Then all of a sudden I hear footsteps and BBB banging on the door yelling for me. I put GG down (still awake) and go into BBB. His big cow (a cheap farm set figurine) that he had taken to bed with him was on the floor near his bike and he had to tell me and have me pick it up and take him back to bed. With BBB back in bed I try getting GG to sleep again. While I'm getting her to sleep I hear what sounds like BBB banging on the door again, but I only hear it once, so I leave it. Finally GG is asleep and I can lie her down. I go to check on BBB thinking he is still awake, but am pleasantly surprised to find he is asleep - it must have been the cat. Finally, an hour and a half later both kids are asleep and I can enjoy my 40 minutes of bliss... aaahhhh

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