Monday, September 12, 2011

Here we go...

I swear becoming a mother has turned my brain to mush. I used to be mildly intelligent, but these days I struggle to put simple sentences together... so I apologise.

Anyway, a bit about me.

I am 25 and married to my high school sweetheart, Sir Jon. We've known each other since we were six, got together when we were thirteen, engaged at eighteen and married at nineteen (I turned twenty the next day). We're now approaching twelve years together as a couple and six years of marriage.

In that time I have had a few part time jobs and been at university studying (though am yet to complete my degree)... but more importantly, I have had two children who are my world. Seriously, I love these kids - so excuse me if I start gushing!

My first born is Big-Brown-Eyes (BBB) and he is two and a half. He is kind and affectionate. He is a quiet studier. He is laid back - very little bothers him. He has been a very 'easy' first child. He is a loving, gentle big brother.
He is starting to talk more and more now, so the things he comes out with often have us in hysterics. Most recently he has decided that word 'bum' is very funny. The phrase 'stinky bum' is absolutely hilarious! Giggles galore!


Gorgeous Girl (GG) is four and a half months. Already I can see how different she is from her big brother. She is smiley, and chatty, and loves people talking to her. She is a funny little thing, and just beautiful. She loves snuggles with mummy and already has her daddy wrapped around her finger. She absolutely adores her big brother - her eyes will follow his every move. At the moment she is learning how to blow raspberries. She hasn't been successful yet, but it is oh-so-cute watching her try!

Gorgeous Girl

I'll try my hardest not to make this blog all about my children, but I won't make any promises! I guess that is part of my reason for wanting to start a blog. To try and not lose myself entirely in being a mum. Hopefully writing here will reawaken all that intelligence and creativity I had once upon a time!

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