Friday, November 25, 2011

On a not so rainy Saturday...

...6 years ago, I was sitting in the back seat of a car, engulfed by white fabric and tulle. As we drove through the tunnel of trees that led to the chapel, my Dad said gruffly "I hope Sir Jon knows how lucky he is". I smiled - my Dad had been feeling more emotional about this than I had. "Yes Dad, don't worry, he does". We spent the next couple of moments in silence as the chapel came into view. Surprisingly, I still wasn't nervous. I kept expecting to feel nervous but it never happened. I was feeling strangely calm, oddly at peace.
Finally, the big moment was here. The car stopped, and after some fussing with the dress and a few photos, I began the walk towards my future husband. I remember Dad making me walk slowly, like he was holding me back. He could probably feel me trying to walk too fast - I just wanted be at the other end of the aisle standing opposite Sir Jon. We'd been apart for almost twenty-four hours, and seeing each other again, at our own wedding - words can't describe. We had a million things we wanted to say to one another, but all we could do was smile and stare at each other with thirty of our closest family and friends watching on.

The ceremony was short, simple, and I don't remember a great deal of it. Or the rest of the day for that matter. It's all such a blur, I'm glad I have the video to look back on (and to edit, one of these days). But the lead up, I remember that vividly.

So, Happy Anniversary to my husband and best friend, Sir Jon. It has been an amazing six years, and I look forward to all the amazing years we have ahead of us.

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